Legend ! - Notice/information + - Feature add * - Fix/change zt 0.981 - 17/06/2002 (bunker hill day!) ---------------------------------------- Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) * Fixed critical playback bug (sorry) zt 0.98 - 15/06/2002 -------------------- Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) + Added ALT-D selection + Added sure to quit box on exit * Fixed numpad enter key (bug #469286) * Fixed order editor crash (bug #506202) * Fixed TPB load bug in song config scren (bug #506208) * Fixed step edit when you hit the bottom of the pattern * Fixed graphical bug on all are you sure boxes Additions/fixes by Nicolas Soudee (zonaj) * Centered sure to quit box zt 0.971 - 05/02/2002 --------------------- Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) * Moral support@()*#()*@!(!! Additions/fixes by Nicolas Soudee (zonaj) * Fixed bug which causes zt to crash at startup and exit. * Fixed cursor placement for MIDI-OUT alias text input. zt 0.97 - 15/04/2002 -------------------- Additions/fixes by Nicolas Soudee (zonaj) * Fixed crashes in some situations with saved latency and bank settings. * Fixed current directory issues (running zt while not in its directory was disastrous). + Added MIDI-in velocity recording toggle (in F2x2 pop-up). + Added note and row "peek" keys (feature #538633) press 4 to play the current note, 8 to play the current row. + Added default_directory conf option for setting default song directory (feature #423892). + Added "Humanizing" function, CTRL-A when a block is selected (feature #518329). + Added MIDI output device nicknames (Device Alias input in System config). zt 0.96 - 15/03/2002 -------------------- Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) + Added on-the-fly switching of fullscreen mode (alt-enter) * Made played-volume work when auditioning via midi-in on the instrument editor screen * Made ctrl-[ and ctrl-] only affect rows with notes in them (bug #497215) * Made up and down arrows work if step is 0 * Made ctrl-p not destroy clipboard contents Additions/fixes by Nicolas Soudee (zonaj) * Latency and Bank preferences saved in and loaded from zt.conf. zt 0.95 - 12/10/2001 -------------------- Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) + Added G on orderlist to go directly to the pattern (feature #483625) + Added Ctrl-[ and Ctrl-] for decrease/increase volumes in block by 8 (feature #429886) * Fixed some SERIOUS bugs in the playback engine.. CCs and other messages could go to the wrong ports and some note-offs would never happen. This hopefully has all been fixed. (bug #486794 and unlisted bugs) * Fixed bug with shift-. erasing notes (bug #483622) * Made slider-input textinput 5 chars long (feature #484310) * Made orderlist the default-focus in the F11 screen (feature #486796) Additions/fixes by Nicolas Soudee (zonaj) * Value slider numeric input popup is now activated for "-" for negatives. + Added a speedup function for pattern editor (hold ctrl while using arrows) There is a F2x2 menu slider for setting the number of rows to skip. zt 0.94 - 11/01/2001 -------------------- Additions/fixes by Daniel Kahlin (tlr) + added internal support for song notes, i.e arbitrary text. (feature #453511) * Compatibility mode for old pitch slides removed. Old pitch slides are converted automatically on loading a song. (feature #453503) ! Be sure to check your pitch slides! * Lots of manual updates... (feature #422653) * Corrections to help.txt. + Skins pngcrushed. No difference in appearance, but 20% less size. * Only edited instruments are saved. + Added player command 'R' (arpeggio) skeleton to playback code and added module and load/save support for it. (feature #425273) + Added player command 'Z' (midimacro) skeleton to playback code and added module and load/save support for it. (feature #462001) Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) + Added time (min/sec) display to playback status * Fixed crash on ctrl-tab near track 64 (bug #454764) * Switched to libpng2.dll (zt no longer requires MMX) * Fixed up IT loader to properly load midi channel, bank, and program and a small fix to instrument title loading * Fixed bug with ctrl-x and ctrl-c when no selection is active * Fixed _major_ playback bug that made pattern running parameters (remembered things like last note played, length, fx, etc) stored in each pattern. This fixes the note off not working in a different pattern and many other longstanding issues. * Fixed a few redraw bugs in popup menus Additions/fixes by Austin Luminais (lipid) + Added ALT-T command on F3 screen to toggle tracker mode * Made IT Import default instruments to tracker mode when the file uses sample mode * Fixed IT importing instrument names bug * Fixed bug which truncated IT orderlists on import Additions/fixes by Nicolas Soudee (zonaj) + now you can specify a .ZT to open at the command line * Fixed bug which put a note-off and MIDI input in the pattern editor when switching from MouseDraw(tm) mode. * Resolution-adaptive window centering for many pop-up windows. * Reverted Order Display to not follow order while playing (it makes no sense). zt 0.93 - 08/22/2001 -------------------- Additions/fixes by Daniel Kahlin (tlr) * Removed support for obsolete file format and cleaned up load/save code * Fixed inst title len bug Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) + Added mouse support to inst editor + Added song duration (ALT-P) + Added rewind (- in playback, CTRL-LEFT elsewhere) + Added reverse bank select method for midi out devices (per-device basis) * Redid MIDI out subsystem to allow for future expansion and additions * Fixed focus problem with midi out device selector in insteditor * Fixed help file loading (no more garbage at the bottom) * Made ffwd/rwnd faster and better * Made MIDI out reset more compatible * Fixed tracker mode (channel bug) * Fixed inst title len bug * Fixed few bugs with FX help messages * Fixed inst editor selection on page enter (if inst # has changed) * Made IT loader not allocate memory for/load samples for speed Additions/fixes by Nicolas Soudee (zonaj) + SHIFT-F11 to set current order to currently playing order or when zt is not playing, to the (next) instance of the current pattern * Centered scrolling is now togglable (F2x2) (playback with scroll lock is still centered no matter what) * Lowlight and highlight now get saved in zt.conf * Step editing toggle added to F2x2 * Order indicator follows playback (but does not modify "current" order!) zt 0.923 - 08/20/2001 --------------------- Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) + Added tracker mode (ignores note length, auto-off on next note recieve) * Fixed problem with midi-in * Fixed mousefocus on midi out device selector box zt 0.922 - 08/19/2001 --------------------- Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) * Fixed stupid pitch bug introduced in 0.921 zt 0.921 - 08/19/2001 --------------------- Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) * Fixed path slider (cause of other bugs) * Possibly fixed SYSEX recieves causing crashes on MIDI-IN * Fixed textbox background color * Fixed space on F5 screen (i swear i already fixed that..) * Fixed ztconf * Fixed reset/panic bug * Fixed fullscreen focus bug (finally!) zt 0.92 - 08/17/2001 -------------------- Additions/fixes by Nic Soudee (zonaj) + Added FX view to pattern editor + Saves/loads viewmode in zt.conf Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) + Context sensitive effect help messages + CTRL-T - Set effect/effectdata in block to value of first row in + Added autoloading of a zt file (not in config yet, so you have to edit zt.conf) + Added Step Edit flag - Off makes editing pattern/order editor not jump to next line when you edit parameters (exactly like IT does) Holding down shift temporarily switches to other mode * Extended keyboard top row to use [ and ] for auditioning / notes * Fixed F7 on order editor * Fixed order editor refresh when playing * Fixed redraw when switching back to zt in fullscreen mode * Made the windows system quit button (the X) work in windowed mode * Increased maximum number of midi devices from 16 to 64 * Fixed skin selector on invalid skin (won't select bad skin in list) * Fixed insteditor refresh problem zt 0.91 - 08/16/2001 -------------------- Additions/fixes by Daniel Kahlin (tlr) * Manual updates .. getting closer to release of PDF/HTML manual Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) + Made new Professional skin * Improved skin handling w/ tiling toolbar (note: this breaks old skins!) * Fixed conf button (doh) * Fixed midi panic on stop option * Fixed skin selector to be graceful on broken skins * Fixed keys in F5 player zt 0.90 - 08/14/2001 -------------------- ! It took alot of work to make this release.. hope you enjoy it There are undoubtedly some bugs still around. If you come across one, please send a report to ztracker-devel@lists.sourceforge.net We will crush them asap! Additions/fixes by Nic Soudee (zonaj) + Cursor row highlight + Scroll-lock playback centering in pattern editor + Pattern editor centering on vertical navigation (up, dn, pgUp, pgDn) * Order navigation fix: deleting orders before the current order marker now assures that the marker is at the last order in the list. Also, deleting the first order when it is the current edit order doesn't set the current order to -1 (woops). * squashed bug which caused highlight and lowlight increments to change when BPM or TPB were modified. Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) + Converted zt codebase to used SDL instead of libCON (yes!!) + Added CScreenManager class to speed up screen drawing + Redid UI screen drawing logic for speed updates + Added S for solo on F5 screen (feature 429697) and m for mute (feature 447390) + Added MIDI-IN passthru for all other data (not just note on/off now) + Status in windows titlebar + Added MIDI-IN device open box under config + Fixed up and added to the F12 config screen + New listbox UI element, much more robust + mouse support + Added device latency for syncing to softsynths (feature 449919) + Added support for multiple resolutions * Made mousedraw _much_ faster.. its very useable now * Fixed the skin system so you don't have to draw the buttons twice * Mousescroll support on TextBox (help/about) * Fixes focus / screen update problems * Increased bank slider maximum (temp fix until proper bank switching) * Fixed panic/note off problem on stop (bug 424782) * Fixed noteon/noteoff order bug in playback (bug 423101) * Fixed 100% CPU problem w/ SDL (bug 423662) * Fixed exit button crash in windowed mode (bug 423796) * More work fixing IT import problems (bug 430645) * Fixed various draw-problems (buttons, mousedraw, etc) * Notes now play while entering in pattern editor during playback * Updated logo * Updated about screen and graphics Additions/fixes by Daniel Kahlin (tlr) + Added a libCON compatible skin (de)compiler (ztskin) using zlib instead of libCON. + Wrote new song load/save routines using zlib instead libCON (feature 428450) * Fixed textinput boxes. The cursor can now move to the end of the line. End of string is properly moved when using backspace. zt 0.85 - 6/7/2001 ------------------ Additions/fixes by Austin Luminais (lipid) * Fixed bug where midi export would end at any command Cxxxx ! Thanks to Raptor for help with testing and bug-finding Additions/fixes by Daniel Kahlin (tlr) * Fixed the bug where the value beside the TPB slider in the song config page wouldn't update. (bug 429161) + MIDI Song Position Pointer messages are now recognized. This make ztracker start at the correct position when slave-syncing to an external sequencer. (feature 423570) Note: In song tpb changes and pattern breaks are not supported for this. * (hopefully) fixed the audio lock out problem. (bug 423098) zt 0.84 - 5/10/2001 ------------------- Additions/fixes by Austin Luminais (lipid) * Fixed crashing on midi export when instruments are not assigned midi devices Additions/fixes by Daniel Kahlin (tlr) + Slide on subtick option - performs pitch slides on subticks (higher resolution) Look for this in the song config screen. Saves in .zt file also * Help.txt additions/fixes * Fixes to the .mid writer for pitch slides ! CVS is now up and running Additions/fixes by Nic Soudee (zonaj) + Default Highlight row increment in zt.conf (default_highlight_increment) Default Lowlight row increment in zt.conf (default_lowlight_increment) Default instrument global volume in zt.conf (default_instrument_global_volume) Default pattern length setting in zt.conf (default_pattern_length) + Right-click on sliders to select them, but not change value (yes!) + Hold Shift and arrow/pgup/pgdn to select on pattern editor + Shift-tab cycles backwards thru UI elements + Shift +/- to navigate through orders (pattern editor, order editor) Shift-F7 to play from the current order * Fixed first slider zeroing bug Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) + Slaved away at that intense new splash screen * Pattern editor fix - 32 row patterns work fine, also moving between different sized patterns and resizing patterns all are accounted for now. ! Exams exams exams! SUMMER FINALLY zt 0.83 - 4/23/2001 ------------------- Additions/fixes by Nic Soudee * CTRL-J scale block volume from 1%-200% * LowLight and HighLight row adjustments in the F2 x2 pattern edit screen Additions/fixes by Daniel Kahlin * Help.txt additions * Save button now goes to save screen (less confusing) * MIDI start/continue fix Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) * Midi-sync now starts song on midi START and CONTINUE automatically (no F5/F6 then sync) * ztconfig now can create a zt.conf w/o a pre-existing one + some bugfixes * Numpad numbers works now * Increased bank value to be capable of 8192 * Textbox widget fixed and improved (help screen) * A lot of fixes I don't remember now (i forget to document alot .. ) zt 0.82 - 4/12/2001 ------------------- * CTRL-P Copy and paste to empty pattern is fixed to notice custom pattern sizes * Player will play rows > 256 on long patterns now * Instrument transpose fixed (note auditioning and slider) * Save screen really fixed now :] * .zt file bank load problem fixed * Lots of little touches added and crashes fixed (especially load/save screen entering) zt 0.81 - 04/10/2001 -------------------- * Are you sure dialog now goes away correctly * Instrument name at top status bar is correct length * CCs, program changes, and pitchbends are now written to .mid files * ztconfig program saves to proper place now * Better help file * More tiny bug fixes zt 0.80 - 04/06/2001 -------------------- Additions/fixes by Austin Luminais (lipid) * Fixes in the IT loader, removed memory leaks Additions/fixes by Christopher Micali (cmicali) + MIDI-In note thru in inst editor and note entry in pattern editor + MIDI-In sync.. set to sync mode with ztconfig or in F12 screen, press F6 or F5, then it will sync to incoming midi sync on any of the midi-in ports open + Cute little configuration program (ztconfig) + F1 is now a help screen (if someone would write a good help.txt :) + .MID writer.. hook it up in save screen. Saves MIDI Format 1 .mids, one track for each device, so all you have to do is set the right device for each track and it will play back in your seq just like it does in zt. CCs, Pitch events, Channel Vol, etc may not be perfect.. email me if it writes something wrong. * Fixed some UI bugs that cause things to disappear when they were not supposed to (F2 popup) * Note auditioning now reflects the instrument transpose value * Set speed effects no longer change the song speed, but just the playing speed. * Many cleanups and general bug fixes, fixed some serious bugs in playback * Fixed lots of memory leaks and fixed the .conf file loader zt 0.70 - 12/19/2000 -------------------- ! Big thanks to Austin for the source contributions ! Webpage changed, lots of new MP3s to give listens ! Hope you guys enjoy this huge release :) Additions by Austin Luminais (lipid) + CTRL-P - copy pattern, paste to next empty pattern, and jump to empty pattern + CTRL-` - Set all note's lengths in selection to distance between note and next note + ALT-` - Set previous note's length to distance between note and current cursor position + IT import code + Scroll-lock cursor following in the pattern editor + Letter jump hotkeys in load/save file and dir lists Additions by Christopher Micali (cmicali) + Completely new .zt fileformat, _MUCH_ better than before (still loads old .zt files) + SHIFT-`: Switch to mousedrawing mode in pattern editor, there you can draw parameters, TAB through modes (vol, fx, fx signed), right click erases, press SHIFT-` again to return to regular patternedit + ALT-S in pattern editor to set instrument of selected notes to current instrument + ALT-1 thru ALT-0 on inst editor quick-selects midi device + CTRL-1 thru CTRL-0 on inst editor quick-selects midi channel + Smart are you sure dialogs on load/save + Instrument transpose/global volume parameters + OFF setting for program/bank, so by default instruments will not send program change (finally eh?) + FileList and DirList UI elements on the load/save screens are alpha-sorted now + Drive selection box in load/save dialogs + New command: Exxxx - pitch slide down, 0 uses last value + New command: Fxxxx - pitch slide up, 0 uses last value + New command: Wxxxx - absolute pitch set, between 0 and 3FFF, 2000 is no pitch change, 0 is max down, 3FFF is max up + New command: X00xx - Set panning, 00=left, 40=center, 7F=right * Instrument editor fixes, jumps to current instrument when you enter instrument editor * Bugfixes the load/save screens to make sure nothing gets overwritten, smarter keyhandling, and general cleanup * Fixed program change on Qxxxx retrig (doh :) thanks quasimojo) * Pattern lengths are now stored in the .zt files and bug fix in resize routine zt 0.60 - 11/17/2000 -------------------- + GUI: Updated zt GUI system to allow real modal dialogs (popup windows on any screen) + GUI: Graphical button widget, so now the buttons below work.. maybe a main menu will happen sometime + Load/save now in threads, popup status window while loading/saving + Pattern resize in F2x2 popup window, patterns can be 32-256 rows long + FINNALY: ALT-N - New song! :) + PGUP/PGDN/HOME/END on filelist/dirlist and new drivelist in load/save dialogs * New playback routines.. no more memory hashing, faster, more robust - Almost no crashing now!!! * Fixed bug with remembering past note lengths > 255 (finally!) * Fixed many bugs in the page UI * Finished the F5 PatternDisplay widget, left-right/space/alt-1 thru alt-0/alt-f9/alt-f10 * Real thread-sync code now (mutex locking) - should fix all edit/playback crashes * Fixed song loader and a few playback bugs zt 0.50 - 10/9/2000 ------------------- + SHIFT-F9 performs a hard driver-level panic, F9 is a soft note zt-level panic + realtime pattern display on the F5 screen (beginnings) + press a number-key when a value slider is highlighted to enter the number manually + channel volume switch for instruments (volume col set to use channel volume instead of note/aftertouch) * fixed some shitty bugs with the keyboard system * fixed various crashes, from the interpolation to general editing * added all notes off and chan vol reset to soft midi reset * tons of bugfixes and some optimizing zt 0.40 - 9/21/2000 ------------------- ! go listen to my new song distance @ mp3.com/cmicali - 100% zt produced + beatlights + button widget (one-shot and sticky) + buttons to send prog changes for all instruments in the inst-screen + kill notes on mute and option per-instrument to retrigger on unmute * better timing? * new keyboard routines to buffer shift keys so no more weirdness (almost complete, some parts active (like pat editor)) * no more crash on load/save dialogs (i hope) * completely overhauled the screen ui system, much more flexible/organized * new thread sync code to hopefully stop crashes while playing and editing * bug fixes bug fixes bug fixes * tons more you dont see * still workin on that toolbar ;) zt 0.30 - 9/10/2000 ------------------- ! new keys! - F1: will be help - F10: song config - F11: orderlist - F12: system config (where you open midi devices) ! song.zt format will not change anymore i really really hope ok? :) - or at least from now on, ill make different loaders, so the old files will get opened ! song.zt is not auto-saved anymore - !take note! + CTRL-F9 load and CTRL-F10 save (also ctrl-s) + skin/graphic files are now packed into a .skin file + enter key on note in the pattern editor sets current instrument + orderlist highlights current order + midi out devices are now auto-opened and remembered (you can turn this off in zt.conf) * Copy & Paste now complete - CTRL-V: insert paste - CTRL-O: overwrite paste - CTRL-M: merge paste - CTRL-C: copy - CTRL-X: cut - CTRL-Z: clear * F7 now starts playing the orderlist if the current pattern is in the orderlist * orderlist works properly now and F5 fixed * audition works everywhere on instrument screen now zt 0.20 - 8/27/2000 ------------------- ! NEW QUIT KEY: CTRL-ALT-Q + CTRL-F9 load and CTRL-F10 save (will work in 0.25! :) + song.zt compression (erase the old song.zt) + Mouse support for most UI widgets and new UI features (file list widget, button widget, linked widgets) + CTRL-I Interpolate last 2 bytes of effect_data from selection start to end + CTRL-K Interpolate volume from selection start to end + CTRL-W remove unused volumes (do this to save memory, and vols w/o note dont do anything) + CTRL-1 thru CTRL-0 change the step-value in the pattern editor + player rewritten.. much more stable - change the prebuffer on the F10 screen to about 8 + Txxxx tempo change + Axxxx bpm change (i wouldn't use this) + Qxxxx retrig + Dxxxx note delay * alt-right works again * more note-off fixing, timing jitter, and the usual cleanups zt 0.15 - 8/19/2000 ------------------- + new toolbar (thanks in_tense), mouse skinable ui support soon + added INF length (no off is sent, you have to send) press I in length col to activate + added CTRL-N, set length of note at start of select block to last for the length of the block + added ALT-Q and ALT-A, transpose up/down + added default volume and default length to inst editor and rearranged it some + added new effect Sxxyy - Send CC xx with value yy on current channel (must be set by instrument!!) >=0x80 sends last value + colors are now read from skin/colors.conf , use web-style #rrggbb hex codes + orderlist! (F11) and F5 to play it * no more flicker * changed effect column to be 1 char and letters instead of hex and data column works now * fixed bugs in note-off, length handling, stopping playback, small mode display * bank select works now (banks 0-999, you dont need more than that I hope) ! changed zt file format some, old song.zt will not load - erase the old song.zt file zt 0.11 - ??/??/2000 -------------------- - Fixed crash on ^^^ - Copy & paste! - Fixed alot of bugs - Program change (effect A0, this is temporary) - More that i can't remember zt 0.10 - ??/??/2000 -------------------- ! first release