Pixilang v1.6. (14 aug 2008) - pixel oriented programming language. [Changelog] v1.6 (14 aug 2008): * removed pause_music() command; * added second parameter (music slot number) to each music command for simultaneous music playing; * added new examples; * many bugs fixed; * and more... v1.5 (22 mar 2008): * added support of the SDL library on Linux; * added support of fullscreen direct draw access on PalmOS; * optimized code for direct drawing (SDL, DirectX, OpenGL, GAPI...); * fixed bugs with bitmap drawing on Windows Mobile; * fixed bug with pixi-loading after file_dialog(); * speed optimization; * many bugs fixed. v1.41 (17 feb 2008): * added region clipping in frame(delay,clip_x,clip_y,clip_xsize,clip_ysize) command; * added new command file_dialog(filename,dialogname,mask,id). v1.4 (03 feb 2008): * fixed bug with hard button release (in the handle_hard_keys command); * fixed bug with negative pixel size in the pixi() command; * fixed bug with alpha channel in 8/16 bit modes; * fixed bug with timers in the Linux; * fixed bug with GIF export; * now you can write a "$$" string (double dollar) for print the "$" symbol, when print() command using; * license of main Pixilang files changed to BSD; * added support of SunVox music (SunVox editor is under construction now) - small, powerfull crossplatform synth music format, developed by Alex Zolotov; * Linux and PalmOS versions compiled on GCC 4.2.2; WindowsCE - on GCC 4.1.0; * improved PalmOS ARM loader; * fixed bug with sound on WindowsCE. v1.3 (31 dec 2007): * added commands for video-export to AVI file; at the moment working in Windows only; * added command resume_video_export(); * parameters of t_translate() changed to fixed point (1.0 = 256); * fixed bug with pixi-sound playing; * internal structure optimization; * fixed bugs with print() command; * changed priority of math operations; * added new construction: while( .. ) { .. }; * increased precision of delay in frame() command; * changed pixi-image sound playing in stereo mode: now red is right channel and green is left channel; * added functions for drawing array of 3D-triangles: triangles3d(), pixi_triangles3d, sort_triangles; * new functions: t_get_matrix(), t_set_matrix(), t_mul_matrix(), t_get_x(), t_get_y(), t_get_z(); * added software Pixel Shaders (version PS1); * added two options in config file: noborder and windowname; * new command: exit() - exit to OS; exit(1) - exit to OS with exit-code 1; * new command: noesc(1) - no exit on ESC; noesc(0) - exit on ESC; * fixed bug with negative frame numbers; * now during pixi-program compilation virtual disk0 defined to the file "data.tar"; so you can include TXT files from disk0 (INCLUDE "0:/blabla.txt"); * removed zoom() command (please, use scaled pixi instead). v1.2 (07 nov 2007): * WindowsCE port; * fixed bug with crashing on a large programs; * improved safety of program execution; * fixed some bugs with color computations; * added high quality export to GIF (with local palette); use video_export_hq(1) to enable it; * optimized pixi drawing; * added functions for handling hardware keys: handle_hard_keys() and get_hard_key(); * now alternative (and more correct) name for handle_keys() is handle_pen_keys(); * added speed optimization for working with arrays; * added functions for working with streaming sound; * added command line support; example of using: "pixilang.exe prog.txt"; * added functions for working with binary files (fopen, fclose, fgetc, fputc, fseek, ftell, feof); * added function for virtual TAR-disk selection; Example: set_disk0( "archive.tar" ) img = load_pixi( "0:/PIC.JPG" ); * added function effector(COLOR,POWER,TYPE,X,Y,XSIZE,YSIZE,XADD) for some internal pixilang effects: NOISE,VBLUR,HBLUR; * added function pixi_triangle for textured triangle drawing. v1.1 (05 sep 2007): * added new color-managment functions: get_red, get_green, get_blue, get_blend; * added nice GUI (SunDog window-manager); * some speedup; * fixed many bugs. v1.0 (04 apr 2007): * the first release. [How to port Pixilang to another device?] Check the docs/Porting.txt document it the SunDog engine directory. [Special thanks] Mike - help with hq GIF export Al_Rado Goglus Zuf [Contact info] Have some questions or suggestions? Mail nightradio@gmail.com Official page: www.warmplace.ru/soft/pixilang/