北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北 北北北北北北北北北盨ummary of released versions of北北北北北北北北北北北北北 北北北北the Multi Module Player (C) Charles Attard 1994-1998北北北北北北北北 北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北北 5.450 (2/11/98) New Antialiasing filter with multiplier by 2 or 4, great for high pitches, no more ultra-clicks when switching from a module to another on fast systems (P133+), Little web page http://www.cerise.ml.org/charles, /ENV command to force MMP to use environment string, ping-pong loop support, progress indicator for Disk writer Bug fixes List playing with archives, ultra-clicks with oversampler, default colors for Rendition based graphic boards, patterns, EXISTING .XM (note cut on invalid instrument) CYCLO .XM (pattern loader fixed) CDPART1 .MOD (volume slide) DEADLOCK .XM (volume slide) THINKTWI .MOD (portamento) HELI .MOD (clicks) CREATURE .XM (loader locking) GMS .XM (loader locking) TURCH2HS .XM (loader locking) HUNCHB2 .XM (volume slide) MIKIE_JL .XM (volume slide) BEHINDTH .MOD (arpeggio) BLITZ .MOD (volume slide (when x and y present)) MENULDR .MOD (arpeggio) WELC2SBR .MOD (volume slide) OCEAN .MOD (pattern delay) SYNTHFLD .MOD (volume slide) RAINING3 .MOD (volume slide) ADICTION .MOD (volume slide, portamento a.s.o. 5.265 (4/20/97) New Tone generator mode to play instruments and samples with MIDI input and/or PC keyboard with octave transposition, FastTracker instruments (XI) and RIFF wave (WAV) support, 16-bit samples support, new mixing routines, scheduling and data alignement optimizations for Pentiums and 486s, digital amplification available up to 16 times (depending on the number of tracks), pattern movement to XMS (DOS mem. freed up to about 150KB depending on the module), volume table not created if all samples are 16-bit (frees 33KB of DOS mem.), list file format added (LST) Bug fixes Display lock on SBPro and some SB16, file manager display, patterns, DOS shell, CAPELLA .S3M (patterns of size 0) GREY .XM (pitch slide refresh with specific memory) FDREAM2 .S3M (amiga limits) 4.382 (1/13/97) New ARJ and ZIP support (need unarchivers), new mixing routines scheduling and data alignement optimizations, for Pentiums and 486s, master volume control, fade out delay, surround mode for headphones and speakers, previous directory '..' set by default (for networks) ... Bug fixes patterns, FFT, XMS manager (main memory > 32 MB), title display in file manager on some systems ... ARMANI .S3M (pattern loop end before start) RENDEZV4.S3M (extra patterns in order list) 7SPIRITS.S3M (porta+new instrument) DAWN .MOD (porta+new instrument) 4.072 (12/11/96) New DOS shell Bug fixes patterns, samples, SBPro support, IRQ 10 line BACKWARD.S3M (pattern break on last order) CLOSER-1.MTM (pitch slide with data zero) 3EDGES .MOD (porta+new note) 4.012 (11/15/96) Bug fixes (XM) J-KGDSKY.XM (Single retrig) 3.985 (11/7/96) New e-mail address 'charles@cerise.ml.org' and minor changes 3.980 (10/21/96) Bug fixes, mainly about module playing WDFIL .S3M (Global volume) STARFALL.XM (Note-off on track 0) 3.962 (9/30/96) Now plays many 669, MOD, NST, MTM, S3M and XM more accurately than Mod4Win 2.30, DMP 4.00, Inertia Player 1.21 and Cubic Player 1.7 ! * XM file format {complete} support XM format brings new features + multi-sample intstruments (up to 128 instruments of 16 samples) + envelope generators for volume and panning, each with sustain and loop mode + instrument fade out + new effects: global volume slide, panning slide left or right, set volume envelope position, set vibrato speed + variable pattern length, from 1 to 256 rows + linear frequence table (allows a constant variation of pitch in vibrati and pitch slides) {+ Bidirectionnal sample loop (great with strings)} * Global surround mode * Enhanced file selector: 4 modes ! (1x17, 1x38, 7x16, 7x37 (columnsxrows)) with mouse * Sizeable instrument list (and full screen mode) * Mouse support * User defineable colors in GUI (at will or select color schemes) * Bug fixes, mainly in pattern reading (see MMP_REV.TXT for more details) Bug fixes :( - surround mode - configuration saving. Short pathnames are saved and environment string MMP can be used to define the default path for MMP.CFG - interrupt handler (conflicts with keyboard IRQ) - S3Ms period calculation (now exact) - Note delay (complete redesign) - Tremor (init bug) - Tremolo (too weak amplitude) - Portamento (continue porta after a pitch slide) - Position jump (when used with pattern break) - Pattern break (buggy if row>0) - Glissando switch implemented (MF_CRETI.XM) And many internal changes to make MMP very stable and faster Modules which WERE not read correctly (not exhaustive) :) (I insist, they are NOW read perfectly ...) 1993 .MOD (note delay) WIZBALL .MOD (note delay) BACKWARD.S3M (pattern break) CRONOLOG.S3M (note delay) DESIRED .S3M (volume slide) ICE .S3M (period calculation) LEM-PART.S3M (empty instruments had to be used) SANXION .S3M (pattern break) SCAMEL .S3M (tremolo) SNOWD .S3M (untyped instruments had to be discarded) (This makes only a few modules on several hundreds ... but let's listen to the XMs now ... ;) ) 2.606 (5/7/96) First Internet release with following features * 669, MOD, MTM, NST, S3M music modules file formats * Oversampling, clipping and digital low-pass filtering for the best output * DMP surround mode supported * Nice graphics in high resolution (640x480) with sizeable objects (oscillographs, spectrums, little keyboards ...) * Memory modes: DOS, EMS and XMS in flat addressing mode * SB Pro, SB 16/AWE 32 hardware support